
从 自 恋 到 镜 像(作者:姜余)

来源:成都精神分析中心   |   发布时间:2012/2/1   |   浏览次数:     |   字体大小:     

从 自 恋 到 镜 像(作者:姜余)


研究生:           指导老师霍大同 秦伟
关键词:精神分析   弗洛伊德    自恋      拉康     镜子阶段

From Narcissim to Mirror Stage
                                  ——From Freud to Lacan
Major : Applied Psychology
Grantuate : JIANG Yu         Tutor : HUO Datong QIN Wei
    Departing from the conception of «  narcissism » of Sigmund Freud, this paper introduced a series of developpments from « narcissim » to Lacan’s « mirror stage ». On the base of dredging some key conceptions such as « drive », « Libido », « ego », « identification », « ego-ideal and ideal-ego », « relation of object », « good/ bad object », « projective identification », « mirror stage », « imaginaire »etc., from Freud to his successors Anna Freud, Melanie Klein to Lacan, this article try to answer this question : conception of « narcissime »of Freud how to influence and develop « mirror stage » of Lacan ?
Being the love which is cathexsised by the subject to himself as to the object, narcissim, because of ego’s ambiguous position, led Freud into a theoritical difficulty. The successors of Freud tried to find a solution, while the introduction of «mirror stage » made Lacan evading this difficulty and led psychoanalysis to a new theoritical level : narcissim, is not only the love which subject with the imago of his body but also the love and attention comes from the others’.
The rectifying the question which is from narcissim to reflection help us to master the theories and practices of Freud, and help to master Lacan’s contribution to the whole psychoanalysis. As well as we mastered the psychoanalysis’ changing from classic to modern.
 Key words : Psychoanalysis   Freud   Narcissim   Lacan    Mirror stage





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